Thursday, April 4, 2013
7:40 a.m. PDT
Thursday, April 4, 2013
7:40 a.m. PDT
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Families First and Prevent Child Abuse KY is promoting awareness of child abuse and the importance of celebrating and nurturing families in the Danville/Boyle County community.
Danville’s children are Kentucky’s future leaders, parents and workers. The community’s future prosperity depends on their healthy development and growth. With the support of engaged communities and nurturing families, all of Kentucky’s children can thrive and have the opportunity to grow into caring, contributing and healthy adults. Throughout the month of April, Prevent Child Abuse KY reminds Kentuckians helping our communities and families create healthy, nurturing environments for children is one of the best investments Kentucky can make.
Scientists who study the brain say all of our children, from infants to adolescents, build healthy brain architecture and lay a foundation for future success and well-being through with nurturing relationships in safe, stable environments .
Nevertheless, too many Kentucky children are living in environments that undermine healthy brain development. Children who are abused or neglected, living in homes with domestic violence or substance abuse or living in chronic poverty, experience unhealthy levels of stress that are toxic to the brain and impair its growth. These children are more likely to experience life-long problems in learning, behavior, and both physical and mental health.
Preventing child abuse and neglect will take concerted effort — from policy-makers to parents — to ensure children have the foundation to become tomorrow’s leaders. Prevent Child Abuse KY is the only statewide organization dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect in all its forms.
Families First Family resource Center is a partner of Prevent Child Abuse KY representing volunteers and professionals working to engage communities, strengthen families and promote healthy child development across the state.
Prevent Child Abuse KY acts as educators working to heighten public awareness of the need for caring communities to promote healthy child development and what Kentuckians can do for our next generation; partners organizing concerned citizens and groups to join forces and leverage resources to prevent child maltreatment; catalysts advocating for important programs and policies that help communities support parents and help parents raise healthy children; and trainers providing professionals and volunteers with the essential skills and knowledge to help parents and communities prevent child abuse and neglect.
Prevent Child Abuse KY continues to be the state’s leading voice for preventing child abuse and neglect. Together with the support of Kentucky citizens, professionals and decision-makers, it is working to ensure Kentucky’s youngest citizens grow up in nurturing homes and responsive communities.
For more information visit or contact Anna Houston at
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